‹Tchalvak ›
So is it better to heal, or just to die and then resurrect?2025-03-12 02:32:28.022226+00
‹Tchalvak ›
The famous swordsman2025-02-02 04:35:26.408789+00
‹Miyamoto ›
Hi2025-01-31 00:03:10.000224+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
Merry Christmas to everyone2024-12-26 20:21:12.667056+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Happy Ninja Holidays, whatever those might be2024-12-25 16:57:22.598315+00
‹Tchalvak ›
It will probably take me into 2025 to arrange that second part2024-12-16 17:34:05.816251+00
‹Tchalvak ›
I’ll try to set up some kind of a “welcome back!” Party/event once I am able to get the bug fixed, and reach out to top leveled players to invite them back.2024-12-16 17:33:43.637935+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Dang, I think I have discovered a bug with password authentication and reset, unfortunate. I’ll have to work on that because older accounts are likely unable to reset their password and get back in.2024-12-16 17:32:24.773261+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
white phosphorus grenade in context would take would take turns or kills from all active clan members in that hall that are currently logged in2024-11-25 22:38:25.434141+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
mustard gas flash grenade2024-11-25 22:36:11.962604+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Ok, so you’re a ninja and you’re sneaking into an enemy clan(hall), what would be an unconventional weapon that you would use?2024-11-24 23:41:58.112929+00
‹Tchalvak ›
---> roughly three thief kills. 🤔2024-10-23 18:03:30.450064+00
‹Tchalvak ›
I guess it’s good to have an antidote as an option. Let’s see what the cost is about equivalent to2024-10-23 16:24:55.849554+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Yeah, I actually don’t totally like how easy it is to get unposted, but then again maybe because poison is real powerful (could be 24 hours of damage2024-10-23 16:24:23.195824+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
100 stone Gold for the antidote - abit hefty2024-10-21 01:28:41.596972+00
‹Tchalvak ›
See the news page: https://www.ninjawars.net/news for the same info.2024-10-05 16:31:13.441568+00
‹Tchalvak ›
So if you're just returning, it's probably going to require a password reset. 😞2024-10-05 16:23:50.428458+00
‹Tchalvak ›
It shouldn't have done that, but for some reason the password hashing algorithm was not coded the same via the database against the same password hashes.2024-10-05 16:22:26.151706+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Also! I apologize, but I think that the latest database upgrade reset passwords across the board. They are stored unretrievably, but after the database upgrade on 9/29/2024 for people to get back in may require a password reset.2024-10-05 16:21:42.757771+00
‹Tchalvak ›
I'll try to change it later.2024-10-05 16:20:14.533798+00
‹Tchalvak ›
That water dripping sound that I added to the full heal was not the right choice...2024-10-05 16:20:07.813601+00
‹Tchalvak ›
so strike is the non-duel attack without any dueling additions, while on the fight page the default “attack” became the “duel”2024-10-04 01:17:52.870826+00
‹Tchalvak ›
In the future it would be nice to have defensive strategy of whatever kinds (e.g. using items to protect and defend against attacks), so I want to move more towards making “duel” the default, but for now there is still the option to “strike”2024-10-04 01:16:35.260672+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
Strike vs attack w/o duel function: difference? whats the mechanism behind each or are they the same?2024-10-03 02:50:31.587366+00
‹Tchalvak ›
👍2024-09-29 12:00:52.43701+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
will do, Coco2024-09-29 03:04:17.151382+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Hi! I just did a major database upgrade, so if you find some problem (even with login), email me at ninjawarstchalvak@gmail.com !2024-09-29 01:30:55.19365+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Well, in the meantime, for something different, I’m trying to think up a mascot for Ninjawars, something that I can use to represent the game as a whole2024-09-02 07:44:08.940963+00
‹Tchalvak ›
So I closed it down and gave the skills to higher levels (kanpo)2024-08-30 12:13:05.991352+00
‹Tchalvak ›
additional 5th class but I wasn’t able to balance it out so that it had enough combat skills to be balanced against the other classes.2024-08-30 12:12:08.420888+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Well…, I guess I should have responded to that with “tricky”. We used to have a Grey class, @beagle made that2024-08-30 12:10:55.985377+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
when will Gray Shinobi become a factor?2024-08-25 03:19:18.173259+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Yeah, clan cleanup on solo clans (there were a bit too many solo clans hanging around, I only allow them because obviously for the first day or while every clan is a solo clan, but the intention is for clans with 1 member not to continue to exist2024-08-12 14:37:17.487712+00
‹Bravos ›
my clan disappeared :/2024-08-05 18:10:52.825471+00
‹Tchalvak ›
🐍2024-08-04 02:52:37.212926+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Haha, fair call2024-07-05 00:27:50.652624+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
Gray Shinobi2024-06-29 20:53:32.259513+00
‹Tchalvak ›
So I am up for trying a new class, which one should I try next?2024-06-26 00:08:04.203655+00
‹Tchalvak ›
each turn.2024-05-23 12:50:24.880458+00
‹Tchalvak ›
The working in the field is meant to not be a good trade-off of time for money intentionally. It’s actually possible I should decrease the money gain there even more. Bounties, other PCs and NPCs like the merchant are meant to be more bang for2024-05-23 12:50:09.253373+00
‹HellHound ›
adjust stats so using different weapons has more of a roll, shurkiens vs red ninja does more dog than vs blue but least to black. something to that effect2024-05-23 01:20:29.055458+00
‹HellHound ›
make it worth while to kill monsters for drops other than thrives and samurai for that juice scroll he may give you but have one if them drop a mushroom2024-05-23 01:18:28.53845+00
‹HellHound ›
this would make it so new players could get money to start but not want to rely on working even if they could get up to say 150 per turn cus killing a merchant is better but could end up killing you2024-05-23 01:16:47.056112+00
‹HellHound ›
it would be nice to change up how certain areas worked, for instance going to work in the fields has never made sense for the cost to gain ratio, but if you made it so that the more you worked the more per turn you would get and cap it out2024-05-23 01:15:46.127934+00
‹HellHound ›
good lord, 15 years ago and this wasn't even my first account. to bad the mechanics haven't been improved to much. same old grind for no real reason. just nostalgia for what use to be a bping chat room with a basic ninja game attached to it.2024-05-23 00:58:56.206732+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Villager in the early levels perhaps.2024-05-04 17:12:19.051775+00
‹Tchalvak ›
I think one thing that helps is killing mobs, the thief mob especially, maybe sometimes the merchant.2024-05-04 17:11:26.795165+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
store away as many dims as possible2024-04-27 02:26:22.034424+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
** : stay in the shadows & avoid higher ranks - onl;y strike when its advantageous2024-04-27 02:25:39.908853+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
psmall incremental gains: daily attacks & duels2024-04-27 02:24:39.575362+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
plan for long-term2024-04-27 02:24:04.235387+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Any game tips to share?2024-04-20 03:50:14.687037+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Hey y'all, so if you have any interest in joining the ninjawars discord, DM me and I'll get you a link.2024-03-11 20:05:04.051302+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Heh, yeah2024-02-11 16:17:39.131987+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
quick question: (assumption) collecting enough shell fragments could potentially be used to build the famed turtle shell of lore.. ive defeated the samurai endless amount of times and have yet to collect on a turtle shell ...2024-02-11 04:46:15.240289+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
great update on the intro page :) looks great2024-02-11 04:41:26.761922+00
‹Tchalvak ›
All a matter of capacity.2024-02-05 17:28:38.151765+00
‹Tchalvak ›
: )2024-02-05 17:28:13.595274+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
... "Hmmm" .. last i checked you were the developer .. or not O,o2024-02-02 02:45:58.560411+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Hmmm, item that may have a future use2024-01-29 13:36:18.412154+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
".. shell frgament": whats that about (been meaning to ask as Ive dispatched quite a few of these guys)2024-01-28 15:03:32.633767+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
You obtained Shell Fragment!2024-01-28 15:02:19.067764+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
You kill the Ushi-Oni with 4385 damage.2024-01-28 15:00:45.567797+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
very nice (thumbs up)2024-01-28 14:59:43.185466+00
‹Tchalvak ›
What do you think of the new Oni? ;)2024-01-27 14:39:44.69204+00
‹Tchalvak ›
I’ve thought about holding events at certain times, but haven’t been able to do the work for that yet.2024-01-23 18:06:05.97272+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Hmm, well, the bath house talks about that a bit these days. Syncing people up at the same place one is a tricky problem though.2024-01-23 18:05:31.01833+00
‹Owlet ›
does anyone play on here anymore?2024-01-23 16:48:18.575514+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
badazz**2024-01-14 17:57:07.651321+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Haha, all the locations are going to get a picture matching the general description, so all the map nodes will have an image within the week.2024-01-13 02:27:14.231949+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
the foreman from the working fields looks just like Zangief2024-01-12 02:33:40.157253+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
thats sick .. the picture you posted in the Shop .. wicked >:)2024-01-12 02:29:19.076147+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
its almost as if im entering the turtle lair : Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles2024-01-12 02:22:33.632946+00
‹Tchalvak ›
A few updates incoming. Expect downtime for the next 5 minutes as I upgrade the database. Also, I am moving the whole site over to https, so expect the regular url to start redirecting to: https://www.ninjawars.net in the near future. : )2024-01-07 17:18:29.027327+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
looks very clean & well organized : Professional Shinobi : almost feels like a Hitman type of vibe :)2023-12-24 06:23:02.449278+00
‹Tchalvak ›
E.g. https://snipboard.io/hcbg0F.jpg2023-12-24 03:12:06.138993+00
‹Tchalvak ›
*** for the game part itself.2023-12-23 21:02:21.65408+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Tho it will look more like https://nwave.ninjawars.net for the wall2023-12-23 21:01:52.228952+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Yeah, that’s the upcoming homepage. I actually am working a full site refresh…2023-12-23 21:00:59.42752+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
https://splash.ninjawars.net/2023-12-23 06:02:57.705997+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
>>> wat n the F*** just happened O,o2023-12-23 05:58:32.032646+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
odd & neat at the same time2023-12-11 05:09:25.213477+00
‹Tchalvak ›
That was me. We had some spam signups, so I had to deactivate a lot of those random bot accounts, and then reactivate others. I know it’s weird having everyone back as like zombies. 🧟♂️2023-12-10 03:29:07.814367+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
Jonesat & Nightstalker .. badass2023-12-09 14:26:27.766721+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
& so has Twilight ... brings back memories of the good ole' glory dayz of ole'2023-12-09 14:24:42.466915+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
CaptainNoob has resurrected :)2023-12-09 14:23:26.996544+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Welcome!2023-12-01 15:33:29.548602+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
Lol : about time some housekeeping is done : Kill list looks so much better >:)2023-11-24 16:20:22.143102+00
‹Tchalvak ›
They regenerate over time. Or if you stockpile Amanita mushrooms.2023-10-29 12:48:24.923517+00
‹tnanime ›
how do i get turns?2023-10-28 19:11:41.406752+00
‹Tchalvak ›
So there should be more new users coming online in the next few weeks. Still more for me to do, but it’ll help for now.2023-10-14 19:43:12.759805+00
‹Tchalvak ›
I finally got signup fixed up to use the new system.2023-10-14 19:42:13.330821+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
have I gained Ultra Instinct Unlimited O,o2023-10-14 16:53:41.98427+00
‹glassbox ›
Some bounties up2023-07-25 16:28:01.504269+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Anyone have some interest in assisting with some game development for an hour a week? DM me if so.2023-07-08 17:27:45.491633+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Refreshes are back in action2023-05-18 02:27:27.821577+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
looks very nice - abit clustered but it'll do2023-04-22 21:16:00.774927+00
‹Tchalvak ›
hiccup this morning with the server2023-04-21 21:23:42.351343+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Hmmm, some downtime this morning, but we're back now.2023-04-21 20:01:36.12178+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Well that’s not showing the right display yet on mobile.2023-04-20 12:14:44.412096+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Hmmm2023-04-20 12:14:21.122006+00
‹Tchalvak ›
: )2023-04-19 16:29:00.58841+00
‹Tchalvak ›
http://www.ninjawars.net/map2023-04-19 16:20:39.519362+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Map updated with the new building illustrations, more work to come in the future, especially with the village square.2023-04-19 14:59:11.424185+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
about time .. release not beta either .. the real deal, Jonin **2023-04-16 23:27:52.559853+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Currently working on an update to the map, coming soon.2023-04-16 15:04:03.963101+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Maybe I should decrease that.2023-03-07 15:17:41.637785+00
‹Tchalvak ›
My, the freeze penalty for cold steal is harsh.2023-03-07 15:17:08.884592+00
‹Tchalvak ›
There was a bug with new regeneration code. Fixed now.2023-03-06 04:54:15.376029+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
just me or are the turns increasing at a slower pace now O,o2023-03-05 18:00:51.641563+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Pages, you mean, I guess?2023-03-05 02:27:03.19309+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
used to be 23 now its down to only 8 max2023-03-04 18:06:39.871163+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
the list needs to revive at a greater capacity2023-03-04 18:06:23.086857+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Hey, so anyone have any feature requests? No promises.2023-03-04 14:28:26.754458+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
.. Keep it up*2023-02-08 04:02:12.931741+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
great. Keep up - you're doing a fineee job.2023-02-07 18:14:48.972405+00
‹Tchalvak ›
And still working on the signup breakage myself.2023-02-07 12:46:48.729099+00
‹Tchalvak ›
I’m getting a guy to create some new pixel buildings for the map as well.2023-02-07 12:46:11.205799+00
‹Tchalvak ›
A bit of prototyping a new map: https://www.facebook.com/100063969463901/posts/pfbid0217YEZqZwFX5HUdMc7N36XHNHgHVLhNBB4m7s313opMAWvS5jDnTSwJi4cThZyumCl/?mibextid=cr9u032023-02-07 12:32:52.819934+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Well, I plan this weekend to do some cleanup, fix signup so we can get new players back in, and maybe I'll get time to do some more changes as well, we'll see.2023-01-27 23:26:42.897411+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Wow, long time.2022-12-20 12:48:28.592562+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
Welcome back, Shinobi **2022-12-20 04:29:42.776439+00
‹Meant4War ›
It has been years since I been here2022-12-19 16:35:09.114707+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
Ninja lord : I have enough enemy to keep me pre-occupied for now - no rush2022-11-30 03:36:06.376329+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Have to essentially rip out the old email system and replace it with a new one, and it's been taking me weeks, but I finally got maybe halfway through it this weekend.2022-11-30 01:37:15.41546+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Currently I'm trying to fix some major bugs that are preventing new players from coming in, so I can then ramp up some new player recruitment, but it's a killer of a problem, so it's slow going.2022-11-30 01:36:37.636531+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
revive rates .. that suxxz ..2022-11-15 03:48:34.38506+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
does anyone recall CaptainNoob :) f**cki*n legend!2022-11-15 03:47:59.78983+00
‹Tchalvak ›
: )2022-11-14 13:13:51.652962+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Revive rates decreased.2022-11-14 13:13:44.296584+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
v ~ 18 years total O,o2022-10-26 02:07:31.792716+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
Initially, I began roleplaying in 2004 under a different nom de guerre2022-10-26 02:06:03.086054+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
I started roleplaying in this game in 2007, 15 years ago.2022-10-26 02:04:22.536366+00
‹Tchalvak ›
I started working on the game in 2003, 19 years ago.2022-10-25 12:12:05.425936+00
‹Tchalvak ›
& back2022-09-23 13:51:22.631457+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Rebooting the server...2022-09-23 13:51:03.343761+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Heheh2022-09-22 22:57:02.265855+00
‹charliezard ›
I check in here and there, kill some ninja, and see the same names consistently in the chat. So I just wanted to say thanks :)2022-09-22 15:09:01.774343+00
‹charliezard ›
Idk if I've ever typed in this chat. But I signed up to this game 13 years ago and it keeps popping up in my head as a nice piece of nostalgia. There's a comfort to it2022-09-22 15:08:55.121751+00
‹Tchalvak ›
I guess I’m going to say “the merchant”.2022-09-20 22:44:13.512922+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Haha, good in the game, I mean.2022-09-19 02:11:31.96942+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Hey, so what is the best way to make money?2022-09-17 22:09:05.138531+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Alright, seems like it’s working then.2022-09-04 23:45:08.785265+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
I can see "upcoming changes" in all 5 browsers ... usually if there a feature i cannot see its on the stainless browser but even there its showing .. hope this helps2022-09-04 14:15:36.640633+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Just curious, can others see the “upcoming changes” content in the footer?2022-09-04 12:59:43.954185+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
* <-;,...,;-> *2022-08-27 21:52:28.072097+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
Ive attempted to re-recreate & duplicate .. no luck yet2022-08-27 21:51:23.738222+00
‹Tchalvak ›
And this annoying little chat bug (I doubt I'm the only one)2022-08-11 17:48:56.362802+00
‹Tchalvak ›
I really need to update signup...2022-08-11 17:48:38.142654+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
quicker than expected .. upgrades tend to take alot longer ... flawless2022-07-29 00:58:57.071043+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Server upgrade should be complete now.2022-07-29 00:47:16.848756+00
‹Tchalvak ›
So expect some downtime this week as I upgrade the server.2022-07-28 14:31:31.045885+00
‹Tchalvak ›
...which means it's time for a whole OS upgrade (because the current OS has reached end of life).2022-07-28 14:31:15.694535+00
‹Tchalvak ›
The server has been running really well and fast lately....2022-07-28 14:30:51.910678+00
‹Over_Medicated ›
Bright side is, ibfeel good and have some of the craziest pics youll ever see. Catheter with two hises in my jugular amd now the one in my gut. Science is fuckin crazy2022-07-25 03:12:24.012787+00
‹Over_Medicated ›
And tchal, im only 39 man. I didnt know i was so damn old lol. Heart at 33 percent, kidneys completely toast. Still swxy as a mother fucker though...2022-07-25 03:10:47.113561+00
‹Over_Medicated ›
And ive been checkin in here fornso long dead, i just felt like venting a little bit. Sharing a bit of real life andnwhat not.2022-07-25 03:09:37.549758+00
‹Over_Medicated ›
Im still in the fight. Got my new stomach catheter. Its weird as fuck. Theres a hise that comes out of my stomach and i have to fill upnwith some flyid amd drain it repeatedly all day. But im feeling better every day.2022-07-25 03:08:51.628152+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Oh damn, sorry to hear that. We're all growing older.2022-07-18 01:18:11.227201+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
hopefully your situation makes a turn for the better here soon2022-07-16 15:01:32.709712+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
in such dire straits - an yet you think to stop by on Ninjawars .. wow that right there is amazing2022-07-16 14:58:44.755927+00
‹Over_Medicated ›
I just wanted to stop by and tell you guys in case i so coming by. It's been like a decade of fun with ninja wars. I appreciate it so being up. I'll keep checking in as things progress. Hourly i get out of here soon2022-07-16 06:26:36.427088+00
‹Over_Medicated ›
Hey guys, I'm on bad shape. On my third day of dialysis headed for 4. Kidneys have failed and they had to tap into my jugular for emergency dialysis2022-07-16 06:24:33.515973+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
great :)2022-06-24 03:42:17.225028+00
‹Tchalvak ›
It'll come down soon.2022-06-23 19:03:36.060064+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Thanks for catching that, I have a typo fix pending here: https://github.com/BitLucid/ninjawars/pull/12782022-06-23 18:55:15.771269+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Dang it, no.2022-06-23 18:06:57.522718+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
its purposely mispelled... id assume2022-06-17 00:04:19.283513+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Thief version 2 added to the game.2022-06-15 03:39:38.979031+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
... really Tchalvak... Gold spent couldve bought much inventory ..2022-06-10 05:24:14.249808+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
worth a try .. Lvl 400.2022-06-10 05:20:28.64076+00
‹Tchalvak ›
If you want?2022-06-10 01:04:57.741412+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
[thumbs up] lvl cap increase coming soon2022-06-04 02:31:41.087808+00
‹Tchalvak ›
I’m back in operation.2022-06-02 11:17:23.756912+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
hotspot ... hotspots .. anyone O,o2022-06-01 01:55:53.253537+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Moving into a new house! So it may take a while before I get internet back.2022-05-30 20:25:42.733586+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
*<-;,..,;->*2022-05-28 13:32:04.544994+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
tried and get that issue fixed ["Stealthed Ninja Mode"]2022-05-20 02:18:55.674032+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
10-42022-05-20 02:13:51.709974+00
‹Tchalvak ›
By the way, recruiting of newbies is paused for a bit until I can get this email and signup upgraded & fixed up, then there will be “weekend spikes” of incoming people after that.2022-05-19 03:15:30.707624+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Well, what happened is that messages used to just be text, so any old text string could be put in there, but then it got attached to names for some reason, so we don’t get the “from no-one” events any more.2022-05-19 03:14:29.830076+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
.. is that something doable n that we can work on making happen, Tch-2022-05-19 00:54:38.271709+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
alternate wouldbe tojust haveit read: "You have been poisoned by A Stealthed Ninja about 5 hours ago."2022-05-19 00:53:51.971071+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
when someone attacks or fire bolts or poisons someone elsein "Stealthed Ninja" mode .... Do Not have there handleright next tothe message .. defeats the purposeofattacking from the Shadows/ in wanna be "Stealthed Ninja" mode2022-05-19 00:52:30.994432+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Resets on the hour, or if you die, or if you get slower.2022-04-20 01:45:29.253368+00
‹Over_Medicated ›
What is considered a first use?? Do i wait 5 minutes before it resets? Ten? Do inhave to kill some one?? Did i miss a memo somewhere??2022-04-19 04:00:33.016133+00
‹UglyNasty ›
18 naked cowboys at ram ranch2022-04-13 01:15:59.319222+00
‹Tchalvak ›
I mean 6.2022-04-12 13:58:50.503016+00
‹Tchalvak ›
First use is always 8.2022-04-12 13:58:41.555665+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Only after multiple uses.2022-04-12 13:58:23.98603+00
‹Legend ›
Mushrooms only give 2 turns now that hurts lol2022-04-08 22:10:38.781516+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
thats quite a shame2022-04-06 03:19:20.503363+00
‹Tchalvak ›
Well, due to a glitch in login/signup, new incoming players are paused for now.2022-04-05 01:04:17.658422+00
‹Tchalvak ›
😀2022-04-03 03:24:50.303189+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
that's if you really wanted.2022-03-31 05:12:52.525413+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
although, 1 keystroke and you most likely could erase my entire NW history of existence2022-03-31 05:11:57.536858+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
but, 1 single movement of my hand and you're done2022-03-31 05:10:42.3919+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
not bad for your current rank >:)2022-03-31 05:09:07.014917+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
sadistic are we .. the tiger salve was just to prolong ..2022-03-31 05:08:43.776565+00
‹Mr_Deadpool ›
11 stars & 47 Fire scrolls later... you really are something else, Tchalvak2022-03-31 05:07:10.265117+00
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